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Isaac Newton Invented Gravity

Globers act as if Isaac Newton invented gravity or something.
This fraud didn't discover anything, and people worship him amongst the idolatrous pseudo-science gods.
Density and buoyancy, research it. 

Gravity is a masonic theory invented to fit their deceptive heliocentric model and they've been hoodwinking the masses in this massive lie for 500 years. That's five centuries and counting.

It's no wonder we've beLIEved the brainwashing nonsense taught in the school indoctrination centers. 
Then we went home and got brainwashed some more by TV mind control programs on Cosmos and Bill Nye the "Science" guy.
Well now we can do our own research.
Continue parroting what we were taught growing up or learn the real truths.
Earth is a Flat Stationary Plane and not a spinning ball hurling through infinite space.
Research without using Nasa, Snopes or any of the corporate owned News media propaganda sites.

Comment on section below, and let us know your opinion!

1 comment:

  1. "Earth is a Flat Stationary Plane and not a spinning ball hurling through infinite space." AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA U STUPID


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